Graffi Coat 103, Street Scene

Lamp post in Arlberg


In the city of Arhus in Denmark, the city council decided they had to stop the ongoing problem of stickers and posters being stuck on lamp-posts.


The Street in Arhus, Denmark

The city’s service provider for street furniture, JC Decaux contacted one of Tensid uk’s distributors Miljorens, who came up with the solution.

Graffi Coat 103 Street Scene, a textured  Fluorinated Polysiloxane coating was subsequently applied to the 100 lamp posts throughout the city centre. 

Today in 2014, 5 years later, the coated surfaces are still clean and free from stickers. 


Graffi Coat 103 Street Scene, provides a textured non-stick and self cleaning surface, that is expected to last up to 20 years, thereby drastically reducing maintenance and re-coating cost. 

Graffi Coat 103 Streetscene - work in progress
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